Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Effect that I Think an Apology Would Accomplish in this Case

In response to the discovery of his scandalous behavior, Clinton in fact issued several apologies. Many of these apologies were nothing but helpful in defending his case. If they weren't issued just out of the goodness of his heart, they helped serve in restoring his public image after committing acts that would greatly damage it. Some of his apologies were poorly administered and others were poorly received, but in the end the product of all of these apologies only helped him in his cause. Some argue that some of his apologies were inappropriate but that is only an opinion, one which I don't necessarily agree with. They were all given to express his remorse and in hopes of forgiveness.

Here is a video of Clinton lying about his inappropriate actions. His multiple apologies helped Clinton earn some forgiveness from the American public.


  1. Since this isn't really a public policy issue (a mass of people couldn't realllly have been physically, emotionally, or mentally scarred, or could they?) it seems like the apology was a political move (go figure, right?). It's interesting how we can see American's morals through apologies like this.

  2. While this is a little before our time, we have still heard so many stories about Clinton and what various people think of his apologies-- but it seems like most people have moved on and don't really hold him responsible anymore. Sounds like his apologies (plural) were effective!
