Monday, March 1, 2010

Bill Clinton Scandal

A little over ten years ago, Bill Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States was involved in scandalous affairs with Monica Lewinsky. President Clinton had an extramarital affair with Lewinsky, who was an intern in the White House at the time. When a lawsuit was filed against Clinton, he lied under oath about the affair, which later led to his impeachment. Clinton issued many apologies for this incident which were all appropriate and deserved. He was not forced to issue an apology but for this instance one is expected, and was handled well.

Here is an abbreviated list of the many apologies Clinton made shortly following the incident.


  1. Good topic! I'm interested to see how the apology affected us, and how the apology was used in the political sense. It's interesting because I feel as if Bill Clinton's apology for his personal life seemed to start the trend of apologizing for personal "wrongdoings."

  2. From looking at the link it seems like Clinton definitely nailed the rhetorical efffectiveness of an apology. Maybe something to look at might be the kairos (timing) of the apology and how that affected the overall efffectiveness of it. Sounds like he had to apologize a lot of times for what he did!
