Thursday, January 28, 2010

My NEW California Song

Recently, I changed my mind about the California Dream and I have decided to choose a song with much more symbolism and a deeper meaning overall. My new song is "Hotel California" by the Eagles. From listening to this song I have slightly changed my mind about my interpretation of the California Dream. I now feel that the California Dream is that if one moves to California one will suddenly become happy. Through this project I have realized that "Hotel California" is actually a sad song about someone who moved to California hoping to be happy but ultimately failed. The California Dream is not about fame or wealth, but just happiness. I think that people believe that California is happy because the weather is sparingly "gloomy," because it hardly ever rains and the sun (which can symbolize hope or joy) is almost always present and bright during the day.

Music Video - The Eagles - Hotel California 1976 (Live)
Uploaded by leretino. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.

Here's a music video of my new song! Isn't it awesome? It couldn't be a better embodiment of the California Dream.


  1. OK--link should be working now, so people can comment.

  2. I had a similar situation- I chose a "California" song that almost seemed too optimistic and unrealistic. I like your stance on the California dream. I don't think its completely corrupt, but much of the time, it ultimately will fail the individual.

  3. This song certainly seems like a logical choice for your paper. I like your point that the California Dream is about happiness in this song and not about other interpretations. Maybe something interesting to explore would be that the subject of the song doesn't attain this happiness-- does this say something about the Dream?
