Sunday, May 2, 2010

Reflective Blog

Through this class I learned a great deal about writing, both through the essay writing process and through the blogging assignments. The blogs were a great way to prepare for the actual assignments. I'm really glad we had the blogging experience, because along with peer-editing, these blogs allow us to get feedback from our classmates to help guide us through the writing process. These blogs also in a way, say a lot about us as people, because it shows our writing style which can say a lot. I think the blogging was a positive experience, and would definitely recommend it whether it is a requirement or not.

Here, you can read about what Dhara Shah thinks about life without blogging. She calls it "odd."


  1. I agree; blogging in this class can be very helpful to generate ideas about our topics and get interesting thoughts from other people. A lot of times, peer editors would give me general help rather than specific ideas, and blogging would produce more specific suggestions.

  2. I liked this blogging too! First of all, it was a great way of encouraging us to look at our topic before we started actually writing our essay, and we all ended up getting blogs... HOW COOL!
