Sunday, May 2, 2010

Reflective Blog

Through this class I learned a great deal about writing, both through the essay writing process and through the blogging assignments. The blogs were a great way to prepare for the actual assignments. I'm really glad we had the blogging experience, because along with peer-editing, these blogs allow us to get feedback from our classmates to help guide us through the writing process. These blogs also in a way, say a lot about us as people, because it shows our writing style which can say a lot. I think the blogging was a positive experience, and would definitely recommend it whether it is a requirement or not.

Here, you can read about what Dhara Shah thinks about life without blogging. She calls it "odd."

Cap and Trade Issues

The two issues that were most important in determining which side to support in this conflict were the economy and the environment. Out of all of the issues that Cap and Trade would affect, I feel that these are the two most relevant. Cap and Trade's effects on the economy vary slightly depending on the point of view, but overall they are negative. Economically, the Cap and Trade system is a great idea for financially successful businesses, but unfair for less financially fortunate businesses. Lucrative and established companies would be able to afford more “trade” credits than companies that are either new or struggling to stay in business. Starting a company requires large investments; imposing the Cap and Trade plan would force new companies and financially struggling companies to make a difficult choice regarding production strategies that will yield the best results. One option would be performing large amounts of work at an average quality level, choosing rate of production over quality of product. The other would entail performing a significantly smaller amount of work at a much higher quality, because a significant fraction of the budget must be allotted to paying for the credits that fund the company’s credits to set the necessary carbon emissions quota. Financially stable and well-established companies would not need to worry about making decisions like this, giving them unfair advantages in production spending. Additionally, Cap and Trade will cause electricity rates to skyrocket. Cap and Trade's effects on the environment are positive, but the impact of the environmental effects are far less strong than the economic effects. Some of these advantages include limiting the amount of carbon emissions, the releasing of greenhouse gasses, and sulfur dioxide, all of which are detrimental to the environment and which over time can lead to global warming. There are very few, if any environmental disadvantages, which causes many to argue in favor of the policy, thus adding to the controversial nature of the subject. Because the positive environmental effects are greatly outweighed by the negative economic effects, Cap and Trade would have a negative net impact and would be more harmful than helpful.

Articles from the CQ Researcher

Two articles from the CQ researcher:

Feldstein, Martin. "Cap-and-Trade: All Cost, No Benefit." Washington Post, June 1, 2009,
Krugman, Paul. "Betraying the Planet." New York Times, June 29, 2009,

Feldstein's article argues that the negative effects of Cap and Trade will greatly outweigh its positive effects. Feldstein claims that the main objective of the Cap and Trade system is to attempt to reduce the possibility of global warming. However, Cap and Trade's minimal impact on preventing global warming will be greatly outweighed by the difficulties it would impose on American households with increased taxes. Also, if the bill were passed it would be unfair to many companies, because only certain companies would be favored and given more trade credits while all would be given a certain cap. The only industries that would benefit from such a system would be electricity companies, while all others suffer. Throughout the entire article, Feldstein explains and repeatedly restates how the biological rewards of the Cap and Trade system would be greatly outweighed by the negative consequences of the system.

In Krugman's article, there is no mention of the economy. Many representatives (212) voted against the bill, but not for economic reasons. The main point that brought about disagreement and raised questions was the fact that these representatives claimed that there was not a problem which Cap and Trade would fix. They saw nothing wrong or unusual in the patterns of the release of greenhouse gases. When people explained the problems of the environment to the public and these representatives, it seemed as if they didn't care. Krugman goes as far as to call these representatives "traitors" who are committing "treason against the planet."

While Feldstein's article is less closed-minded and his points are researched more thoroughly, Krugman had a stronger, more passionate argument for a different reason to be angry with the Cap and Trade situation.

This video helped me understand how the Cap and Trade system actually works. Before I was very confused about the subject and why it was so significant.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Museum for Baroque Music

There is no better way to put it; there are simply too few museums dedicated to the study of music. One of the first types of music is music of the Baroque era. Some of the most popular composers from the Baroque era who's works are still performed today include Bach, Handel, and Vivaldi. Baroque music is one of the most popular types of classical music that is still listened to, studied, and even performed to this day. If this music is so popular, why are there virtually no museums devoted to the study of this topic? Many serious musicians study Baroque music very frequently, but mainly through music history courses. Honestly, few people can say they love learning Music History. If a Baroque music museum were invented, people would enjoy Baroque music for what it's worth in a fun museum setting. Museums are great for stimulating interest in any subject matter. If a Baroque music museum existed, people could enjoy their time learning about Baroque music. Museums are very popular and attract many visitors who are interested in the subject, and many people today are interested in Baroque music. Today's performances of Baroque music are often played on modern instruments, offering the audience a similar experience to that of hearing music in the Baroque era. In the Baroque museum visitors would get the real deal. Guest speakers would lecture about Baroque instruments and music. Performances will only be presented on authentic Baroque instruments, not on modern versions of the instruments. A Baroque music museum would provide a great service for anyone interested in Baroque music, and would probably get other musicians and non-musicians interested in, or at least fascinated by Baroque music.

Here is a performance of a wooden flute and lute duet; both of these instruments are instruments that were very popular during the Baroque era.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Museum Blog 1

The Getty Villa museum is a must for anyone with an interest in art. Home to many of the world's greatest works of architecture, this museum captures the essence of ancient Greece and Rome through the eyes of the founder, J. Paul Getty. The museum is in Palisades and is a great tourist attraction for any art aficionado . The museum didn't exactly capture my interest, but that is because I am not particularly a fan of art museums. However, everyone else I went with enjoyed it. There was much to learn about life in and the art of these cities. The Getty Villa has so much to offer and I would give it my highest recommendation to anyone who would like to see great art in a garden-like luxurious environment.

For more information about the Getty Museum complex and visiting the Villa, go to its website.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Effect that I Think an Apology Would Accomplish in this Case

In response to the discovery of his scandalous behavior, Clinton in fact issued several apologies. Many of these apologies were nothing but helpful in defending his case. If they weren't issued just out of the goodness of his heart, they helped serve in restoring his public image after committing acts that would greatly damage it. Some of his apologies were poorly administered and others were poorly received, but in the end the product of all of these apologies only helped him in his cause. Some argue that some of his apologies were inappropriate but that is only an opinion, one which I don't necessarily agree with. They were all given to express his remorse and in hopes of forgiveness.

Here is a video of Clinton lying about his inappropriate actions. His multiple apologies helped Clinton earn some forgiveness from the American public.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bill Clinton Scandal

A little over ten years ago, Bill Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States was involved in scandalous affairs with Monica Lewinsky. President Clinton had an extramarital affair with Lewinsky, who was an intern in the White House at the time. When a lawsuit was filed against Clinton, he lied under oath about the affair, which later led to his impeachment. Clinton issued many apologies for this incident which were all appropriate and deserved. He was not forced to issue an apology but for this instance one is expected, and was handled well.

Here is an abbreviated list of the many apologies Clinton made shortly following the incident.


On the topic of apologies, I found an interesting article of 7 Things You Should Never Apologize For. Check it out if you get the chance.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Critical Thinking Blog 2

It is very interesting to see the ways that Goldhagen relates Pope Benedict XIV's way of thinking and the German state before the second world war. In the author's opening statement he gives a brief background on the pope's childhood. The pope, even though coming from an anti-Nazi family, still joined the Hitler Youth group, but apparently this was a common thing to do at this time. Unlike other popes, Benedict XVI didn't speak much about the actions of the Nazi party during World War II or its aftermath. Goldhagen points a finger at the Catholic Church, saying that they were partly responsible for the violence caused by the Nazis against Jews. He says that the church supported the anti-Semitic race laws of the Nazi party. Goldhagen then goes on saying that because the pope witnessed the occurrence of such atrocities that he is flawed. According to Goldhagen, the pope thinks that everyone in the world must believe the Catholic's school of teaching, rather than being free to think one's mind. However, groups that have tried to do this in the past instigated violence. Goldhagen concludes with the pope claiming that, "his truth is the Truth."

In this article, Goldhagen attacks the Pope's ways of thinking in writing. By being a witness to the Nazi's atrocities, according to Goldhagen, the pope is responsible for the Nazis of the actions. When the pope speaks publicly, it is interesting to see his viewpoint on the Nazis' actions. His affiliation with and loyalty to the Nazi party is a bit inconsistent. He was once in the Nazi Youth but then claims that his actions are not wrong and, Christianity is always the best path to God. It is very interesting to see the pope's loyalty and standing firm behind his Catholic beliefs, regardless of whether or not his statements about the Nazi party are either valid or significant.

Here is an interesting video of the Pope speaking about the Nazis' rule and its effect on his life.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Critical Thinking Blog 1

My college field of music definitely incorporates critical thinking into the curriculum. In regards to music, critical thinking is a vital and major component to the quality of one's performance. Music, just like any form of art that involves quality and creativity requires critical thinking. By thinking critically, one can take his or her performance abilities to higher levels. Music making should never be mechanical, and critical thinking is what makes music come to life. Usually anyone if taught how, can learn a piece of music, but one's critical thinking makes a performance unique, which is a crucial component to any musical performance. Critical thinking is what makes music thought of as an art, and a gift much more unique than just any skill.

Here is an interesting video of a violin master class, where the instructor is teaching the student how to think critically about the piece of music he is learning. It is neat to see him give the student his ideas, and watch him take them, deconstruct them, analyze them, and make them his own.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My NEW California Song

Recently, I changed my mind about the California Dream and I have decided to choose a song with much more symbolism and a deeper meaning overall. My new song is "Hotel California" by the Eagles. From listening to this song I have slightly changed my mind about my interpretation of the California Dream. I now feel that the California Dream is that if one moves to California one will suddenly become happy. Through this project I have realized that "Hotel California" is actually a sad song about someone who moved to California hoping to be happy but ultimately failed. The California Dream is not about fame or wealth, but just happiness. I think that people believe that California is happy because the weather is sparingly "gloomy," because it hardly ever rains and the sun (which can symbolize hope or joy) is almost always present and bright during the day.

Music Video - The Eagles - Hotel California 1976 (Live)
Uploaded by leretino. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.

Here's a music video of my new song! Isn't it awesome? It couldn't be a better embodiment of the California Dream.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My California Song

The song I have chosen to analyze for the 'California Dream' project is "California" by Joni Mitchell. This song emphasizes my view of the California dream because the song explains that California is warm, full of familiar faces, and makes a person going to California very happy overall. When the singer talks about leaving california, she mentions that she will only be doing so for a very brief period of time, because California is really the land where she belongs and will return to in the end.

Here is a link to the YouTube video of Joni Mitchell singing California.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


My teacher's favorite video.

My teacher's favorite video.

This is my new post.

I use google often.

Practice Post

Welcome to my rectangle.